šŸ‘€ I Wanna Brainstorm the Vibes of YOUR business

Here's what I came up with...

āš”ļø I brainstormed lots of ā€œvibes of your businessā€ ideas for you āš”ļø
Donā€™t even think about skipping todayā€™s email cause Iā€™m featuring a volunteer from our community whose biz vibes Iā€™ve completely remixed from top to bottom. Youā€™re gonna see how I approach strategizing biz vibes step-by-step, so that you can do the same in your own business.ā¬‡ļø


ā˜Žļø Donā€™t punch me in the face, but I gotta do ah-nother quickie reminder of WTF the vibes of your biz are [can you recite these yet?šŸ¤£]
āš”ļø BIZ VIBES REMIX : I went a lil cray brainstorming some biz vibes ideas for my girl Tatiana Oā€™Hara. Pinterest board, todos, loads of ideas? Yep, itā€™s all in here.ā¬‡ļø
āœļø TAKE AWAYS FOR YOU cause you know I never leave you hangin. Hereā€™s what you should do next

Reading time: approx 11 minutes

āœļø BIZ VIBES REMIX: This is where I take a biz owner whoā€™s looking for a lil ā€œvibes makeover,ā€ and I word vomit all of my juicy and sometimes crazy ideas, thoughts, and todos on this biz ownerā€™s branding, social media, marketing and messaging.


So while Iā€™m excited as hell to be sharing all of my biz vibes ideas with you [and, duh: with Tatiana], I did z-e-r-o direct brainstorming with her ahead of time].

This means I could haveā€”and very likely didā€”get some things wrong in terms of the direction. Tatiana might end up being like: ā€œUhm, fuck off with your Pinterest boardā€ or ā€œHOW DARE YOU SUGGEST THIS GRAPHICS TEMPLATE WOULD REFLECT ME OR MY BRAND!?ā€

And truthfully, those comments would be fair.

**IMPORTANTE: Thereā€™s nothing specifically ā€œwrongā€ with annnnnything that Tatianaā€™s doing right nowā€¦but I just always love playing with the idea of how we could make shit even vibe-ier.

And I very specifically wanted to go through this exercise blind both to prove to you [and hopefully inspire you] with the endless possibilities for your own brand AND also to show you, in real time, my thinking behind each of these biz vibes moves.

I promise you, ALL of these suggestions Iā€™ve made below include a shitload of strategy, deep thinking and intentionā€¦and yep: thatā€™s whatā€™s required when youā€™re creating the curated kickass vibes of your own biz.

Youā€™re gonna be SO good at this too.


**PLEASE NOTE: For transparency sake, I asked for biz vibes volunteers both in my Erica Yelling At You Broadcast channel and on Instagram stories last week. Tatiana was one of the first people to respond [she and I are internet friends and I spoke in a mastermind she was in with my former coach Natasha Zoryk] . I did ask her a few clarifying questions, then I did a major deep dive on her social media and website and bim bam boom, here we are.

The vibes of your business are the ever changing collection of unique elements, both tangible and intangible, that make up all the moving parts of your personal brand and biz. These vibes collectively represent who you are, what youā€™re all about and why youā€™re obviously the ONLY ONE your customer should be thinking about.

Creating your own unique biz vibes requires a lot of strategy, intention and forethought. Either you can tell me what the vibes of your biz are, or Iā€™ll decide what they are on my ownā€¦itā€™s one or the other [and I HIGHLY FRIGGIN SUGGEST you donā€™t let me decide for you].


Tatiana is your goto gal when it comes to all matters concerning team, operations and showing up as a leader in your biz [both for your own team and for your damn self]. Sheā€™s a new mama, loves working on creating a cozy AF home and has cool pink roller skates.

Go follow her and check out all of her links below so you can REALLY go on this vibes remix journey with me:

āž”ļø Instagram
āž”ļø Threads
āž”ļø LinkedIn
āž”ļø Website
āž”ļø Tatianaā€™s Bio

** Tatiana has a FREE event tomorrow, which you totes should sign up for: The Raw, Unfiltered and Often Unspoken Truths Behind Laying Off A Team

ā­ļø General Feedback

Ok, T. If I was writing a book RN to express my overall thoughts on your current biz vibes, this would be the title: I Know For A Fact Youā€™re Way the Hell Cooler & Funnier In Real Life Than You Seem Online.šŸ«£

I see flashes of the funny and cool version of you on Instagram [and DEF moreso on Threads which might be my fave of all your online profiles], but at this point I feel like weā€™ve gotta do a leetle bit of digging in order to really understand it. And I think you have such a fab opportunity to actually weave this more into your brand in an intentional way.

I see you with one foot in this more buttoned up corporate world and one foot in the ā€œyeah, but Iā€™m not like all the other boring ass, vanilla consultants you deal withā€ jacuzzi. I donā€™t AT ALL feel like youā€™re intentionally hiding this cooler, funnier part of yourself, but it also feels like youā€™ve never quite felt the call to FULLY step into it.

Well, ring ring. ā˜ŽļøšŸ“ž

In terms of positioning, I love the idea of you helping people feel like theyā€™re actually smarter just by choosing to work with you [i.e. give them credit for thinking about things that a lot of biz owners skip in the beginning: team, leadership, etc].

It would make me feel like Iā€™m in on the secretā€¦all these other biz owners are out here ignoring this shit, but I get it: itā€™s important NOW.

I also love the idea of you not being shy about sharing your corporate consulting clients a lot more. You are a serious authorityā€¦and as a small biz owner, thatā€™s hella impressive to me.

Ok, letā€™s get into it. Here are loads of specific ideas.ā¬‡ļø

Here are some words, phrases, brands, concepts and ideas that I brainstormed for you when thinking through your new zhushed up biz vibes:

āž”ļø Smart
āž”ļø Sassy
āž”ļø Unstoppable
āž”ļø Relatable
āž”ļø Empathetic
āž”ļø Cool mom
āž”ļø ā€œI said what I saidā€
āž”ļø Real talk, forever and always
āž”ļø Smart AF, Funny AF, Profitable AF
āž”ļø Radical transparency [I pull back the curtain on my biz on the daily]
āž”ļø You can build your team on your own, but youā€™re not gonna wanna after you meet me
āž”ļø Pop culture & TV
āž”ļø Brands that come to mind: Telfar, Jo Malone, Tory Burch, Jenni Kayne
āž”ļø Nancy Meyers movies
āž”ļø Girls trips


Weā€™re gonna roll through these based on the order of the pics above
āž”ļø Tatianaā€™s Instagram

1ļøāƒ£, 8ļøāƒ£ GRAPHICS & INSTAGRAM TEMPLATES: I def donā€™t think you need to go overboard with your graphics and branding [says, moi: the chick who just spend 47 minutes making a moodboard in Canva šŸ¤£] but I think your social media could be tightened up and elevated a bit using a few Canva templates that you can reuse again and again.

I loved this old style of an 80ā€™s ad I featured above with the sneaker and also really appreciated the combo of a serious attempt to sell along with cheeky copy. This feels like a great representation of having one foot in corporate and one foot in the jacuzzi reference I made above.

The #8 pic just felt like another clean, easy breezy style you could use.

Now, Iā€™ve alllllso noticed that you donā€™t post much in your Instagram feed. I would either suggest you come up with a gameplan and start doing that regularly OR set up your feed like an insta site. This means you would have 9 or 12 beautifully designed and written static posts there filling everyone in on what you do and how they can work with you and then you can just post in stories and/or Reels in order to stay present.

āž”ļø Find a series of free templates in Canva that you can start using in your feed [I would suggest having 9-12 to cycle through] OR buy a pack from Creative Market. THIS template pack felt like it could maybe work for you [and then, of course, you just add all your colors, fonts, photos and branding to all of the templates]. Donā€™t forget to try to find matching templates for Reel covers. These templates are always so cheap, I just always like to have a selection on hand.

āž”ļø Also, weā€™ve GOT to redo and tighten up your current
highlights. Iā€™ve def been guilty of this too, but I think anything thatā€™s over a year old needs to goā€”the way Instagram labels things, when you see a video that says ā€œ248 weeks agoā€ it just ends up looking sad and dated.

I would suggest your first 5 highlights should be: START HERE, ABOUT ME, WORK WITH ME [include summaries of everything here and then break out current front and center offers in other highlights], VIP DAY [one of your current front and center offers] and CONSULTING [for your corporate clients]. You can then swap out the ā€œwork with meā€ highlight with any specials youā€™re doing like Black Friday. Then youR ā€œsecondā€ row of highlights can include family stuff or other personal things, though I would also say even these should be kinda cleaned up too.

This is a hill I will die in: yā€™all are sleeping way too hard on your highlights. Imagine having the opportunity to help your ā€œall the hell inā€ potential clients learn about you in exactly the way, in exactly the order you want them to. Oh wait. You do. Itā€™s called your Instagram highlights.

All I wanna do is be the creative director on your next photoshootšŸ˜
Tatianaā€™s current photos on her website

2ļøāƒ£, 6ļøāƒ£, 7ļøāƒ£, 9ļøāƒ£ I have a WHOLE vision for you and I love the idea of doing the sorts of pics you see in 2, 7 and 9 in the moodboard above. 

These feel bold, confident and also super playful and fun. They all feel like a wink and a nod to that potential client who wants to take team building and leadership seriously, but also is unique and cool just like you.

Fab posesā€¦a background colorful wallā€¦and, of course, kickass props too.

You do have a FEW fun photos on your website right now [you with the telephone, for example], but again, weā€™ve got to dig a little to find them. To me, this style of photo totally represents that funny, sassy side of you, and I think the vibes would be G-I-V-I-N-G.

I also think the series of silly photos in #6 could be fun for you, and would also be great on social.

Lastly, I found some video in your highlights of you roller skating and I think that style of video would be so fun to use in a Reel with words over it [if that still reflects something you like to do]. Letā€™s get more of that so we have it in a b-roll folder for you on your phone.

āž”ļø Plan your next photoshoot [and do a zoom with me before so I can lovingly dump all of my ideas on your face, lol].

āž”ļø Get all the fun, sassy photos you currently have more front and center on your existing website and on social.

I absolutely loved this color combo

3ļøāƒ£ Now look: You absolutely do NOT have to switch up any of your current branding, color palette etc.

However, just in case you feel like zhushing things up in the future, I loved this combo so much and feel like it could be a fab 2.0 palette for you.

It features the rich orange color that you have in so many of your brand materials and photos already, with some fun additional colors that feel playful but also very grown-up to me.

āž”ļø Steal this palette orrrrrrr totally ignore me.

Bring this ā€œstoryā€ fully into your brand

4ļøāƒ£ I can see how much you love sharing about your son Elias on Instagramā€¦and as a new mama, this makes so much sense!

But right now it kinda feels like this is a totally separate topicā€¦sometimes you share about biz and sometimes you share about mom life.

I think it would be so cool to bring this new role of yours more intentionally into your brand. Use your lessons as a new mom in your content as a ā€œthreadā€ to connect some of your other ideas [this also gives you an easy framework to continue doing this in the future as Elias grows up and your role as his mom shifts and changes along with that].

Ok, cool idea E, but how can I actually do that?

GOOD QUESTION. Here are some ideas:

Bring Elias to your next photoshoot and take some brand photos that show you as a mama [the reason I love the pic above is it doesnā€™t feel like a typical ā€œmomā€ photo. It feels like itā€™s more editorial shoot style].

If youā€™re shooting B roll, include some with him [i.e. you walking with your stroller from behind].

The fun thing is, with these sorts of brand/biz vibe cuesā¬†ļø, you donā€™t even need to refer to the mom thing [even though itā€™s front and center in your video]. So you could use b roll video of you walking with your stroller and then have text on screen that talks about time management, daily routines or your gcal.

Of course you can still share the caszh fun photos and video too, but I love the idea of you really building this more intentionally into your branding.

āž”ļø Start experimenting with this sort of content now [if you dig this idea too]. Maybe you could do a series called ā€œBiz Lessons I learned from being a new momā€?

I promise: this stuff gets to be super fun

5ļøāƒ£ Now I crazy love fashion and accessories and have made it a major piece of my social media presence and brand vibesā€¦but thatā€™s DEF not a requirement for you or anyone else.

However, I do think this stuff is super fun to play around with.šŸ‘—šŸ‘ 

Without having any insider info on your own style, I chose a couple of pics that felt like they represented a fun direction for you.

Iā€™m full on obsessed with this outfit and this chick above. She managed to combine elegant and put together with a cazsh super cute pair of sneaks [again this type of outfit totally echoes the ā€œlittle bit corporate but also make it funā€ theme for you].

Style cues are things that end up showing up in your videos/life cause they fully represent you, who you are and the things that you love. For me theyā€™re my giant glasses and glasses chains, my vintage brooch collection and my iced coffee in a wine glass.

What are those things for you? And how can we get them more intentionally into the mix on social media.

Iā€™m now constantly having ppl in my community tag me when they put iced coffee in a wine glassā€¦or sending me pics of glasses chains they come across in a store. And thatā€™s because Iā€™ve established those things as my ā€œstyle cuesā€ by showing them again and again in my videos and picsā€¦now my community just easily associates them with me.

Things like this help build a deeper connection, make us all feel more connected [and like real friends], and also feels like an insider-y secret that you have together.

And as a reminder, these style cues donā€™t all need to be fashion related [my wine glass isnā€™t]. I used to be an interior designer so I love to bring interior design stuff into the mix. I also share Amazon faves, gift lists etc.

I know from your socials that you love design and home stuff too.

There is no right or wrong thing to do hereā€¦whatever you choose to share or talk about, it just needs to be a true 100% representation of you.

āž”ļø Try and think about and identify any of your own style cues you can lean into and incorporate into your social media. Just like the stroller example above, you donā€™t even necessarily need to reference themā€¦ppl will start picking up on them on their own. Also remember: these can develop over time. My obsession with vintage jewelry, for example, just kicked in a few years ago.

Some thoughts/ideas that didnā€™t make it onto your moodboard

āž”ļø Embrace [or invent] some more catch phrases that we, as your audience can immediately associate with your brand. I love your ā€œbeen there, delegated thatā€ catch phrase and I think your sweatshirt with that on the front is so super cute! Letā€™s establish some more catch phrases that your audience can easily use too. For example, my ā€œyour brain is a dickā€ phrase is simple to adopt and, as such, has become one that my community uses, loves and even feels ownership over.

āž”ļø Your focus on operations, leadership, team development etc might feel to some business owners like itā€™s ā€œunnecessaryā€ nowā€¦or that theyā€™re not ready for it yet. Keep educating us all on why this approach is wrongā€¦and is likely the reason we keep hiring freelancers or other one off team members who donā€™t work out. I think itā€™s SUPER effective and important for you to use the word team, but Iā€™ve learned so much from your content about hard conversations, ways to support employees, etc. And the truth is, that shit is valuable to me even if my ā€œteamā€ is 1 person [which it isšŸ˜]. So lean into reminding us all of that more too.

āž”ļø I see you have a freebie about hard conversations that is specifically focused on two common workplace convos: firing and poor performance. I would consider switching that up to something like ā€œA conversation starter template guide for EVERY type of cringe-y, scary convo you will need to have with your team as a CEO.ā€ I think that might feel a bit juicier AND will attract more people. For example, firing someone is not at all on my radar right now, so I might not feel a pull to get on your email list just because this thing is not front and center for me. And I donā€™t want you to ever lose someone like me who could actually really benefit from that resource. You CAN fight me and say: ā€œwell a lot of people tell me they download the freebie and save it,ā€ but I donā€™t even really love that. Cause then it feels like the message is ā€œthis thing isnā€™t important to pay attention to RNā€ and I donā€™t want that association anywhere near you or your brand.
**These conversation starter templates are also things I think you could use on social mediaā€¦maybe use as a series. Or do a new one each month for your email subscribers [maybe even let your community send in requests for help with specific convos like: ā€œI have to fire our VA but the complicated thing is this VA is my husbandā€™s cousinā€].

āž”ļø Donā€™t afraid to be controversial and say the things that everyone is thinking but is scared to actually say. Iā€™ve heard some of your polarizing opinions and know that youā€™re a chick [like me] whoā€™s got them. I think thereā€™s a way to share them that isnā€™t ā€œmeanā€ or complain-y and my guess is youā€™re really good at that. What are the same old same old industry standard convos everyone is having that you can offer a different take or spin on. I try to create content like this as much as possible because more than anything, I find itā€™s a super effective way to spur on engagement and get people talking. [Hereā€™s a recent example of me doing this on TikTok in a ā€œmediocre shit in our biz that weā€™ve all just gotten used toā€ video. And yep, it went kinda viral].

āž”ļø Iā€™m not sure if your consulting work needs to be kept under wraps for privacy reasons, but I see little mentions of it here and there on your Instagram, so Iā€™m guessing not. I would def share this corporate consulting work moreā€¦cause it reminds me that youā€™re a BIG TIME BADASS. And sure, smaller biz owners might not need the same type of support as Goldman Sachs, but you can position it like this: ā€œIā€™ve taken the advice and insight I share with giant multi-million dollar companies like Amazon and Goldman Sachs and figured out a way to use all those juicy lessons and apply them to you as a small business owner.ā€

āž”ļø Iā€™ve noticed you seem to love pop culture and TV. Letā€™s get more of that into your content [this one could def be a regular series or several seriesā€™]. Iā€™m for sure biased [cause I love all that stuff too], but I think itā€™s such a fun, cool thing to incorporate into your content regularly cause 1. It totally sets you apart from others in your industry; 2. Offers a major connection point for me as someone in your audience [wow, I love the Real Housewives and so does Tatiana]; and 3. Shows me how easily you can apply all of these principles and lessons you teach to different situations and circumstances. For example: I LOVED this two part video series you did on Selling Sunset and how shitty they are with their team dynamics]. You could even do this with fictional shows [i.e. talk about the team dynamics on Suits or Succession].

**But, BONUS suggestion: when using a greenscreen filter like you did in that video, do a few seconds of the image from the show, then do a note from your phone as the background with the points that youā€™re making on separate lines. You can hide all the points at first and then share them one by one [HEREā€™S an example of me doing that on TikTok]. This technique keeps people curious and tuned in cause they wanna see all of your diff points and hot takes. It also reinforces the idea that youā€™re an authority who I need to be paying attention to and learning from.




Look, itā€™s gettin REALLLL crowded out there in this online biz space RN. And I need to understand why itā€™s YOUUUUU I should be spending my money withā€¦hiringā€¦learning fromā€¦listening toā€¦connecting with.

And right now, that ainā€™t at alllll clear, homie. So we gotta switch things up.

Iā€™m done watching you do all the things you need to be doing in order to build your biz empireā€¦but then seeing you realize that itā€™s JUST NOT CUTTING THROUGH THE NOISE.

Iā€™m telling you: itā€™s because you need to intentionally and strategically be creating the vibes of your biz in a way that me saying yes to pulling out my wallet and hiring youā€¦or buying your productā€¦is a no brainer.

Iā€™ll be going into the nitty gritty details about alllllll of the diff ways you can intentionally create the vibes of your biz [cause trust me: almost everyone in the online biz space is missing the strategy behind all this stuff RN].

Iā€™ve legit never seen anyone TALK about this shit before, much less teach a class on it.

In this 90 minute masterclass, youā€™ll learn:

āž”ļø All of the different vibe ā€œcategoriesā€ I focus on as an [almost!] 7-figure online business. Weā€™ll go into detail about what you should be paying attention to and what you should skip.

āž”ļø How to create your own biz ā€œvibe formulaā€ā€¦cause as I say again again again: you can either A. commit to intentionally creating your own biz vibes OR B. let your community decide what your vibes are for you.šŸ„“ Unsurprisingly, I think option B is unacceptable.

āž”ļø What fashion ā€œstyle cues,ā€ ā€œbrand catch phrasesā€ and ā€œthreadsā€ are when it comes to your biz vibes [and no, Iā€™m not talking about the new Instagram platform that we all went gaga for week one and havenā€™t logged into since].

āž”ļø All of my fave Vibe-y resources, apps, links and platforms for you to steal and use so that you can immediately start taking action on reinventing your own vibes with intention and strategy.

And sooooo much more.

This will be a webinar style masterclass that includes 60 minutes of live teaching as well as 30 minutes of answering your specific vibe-y questions about your own business.

šŸ’” How to Create the Vibes Of Your Business Masterclass is going down on Thursday, November 16th @ 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT and 1pm ET. You can grab your spot HERE for only $67. And yep, there will be a replay.

I know Iā€™m biased but, dude: Iā€™m gonna lay it all out on the line and say: you canā€™t afford NOT be in this thing. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

AND allllllso if youā€™re excited about the idea of me doing the same thing for you as I did for Tatiana ā¬†ļø, youā€™re def gonna wanna come to the masterclass. Iā€™m sharing a special ā€œlemme brainstorm some kickass, totally unique vibes for you-n-your bizā€ intensive that will only be available to our masterclass attendeesā€¦and the price is gonna be REAL GOOD.

As per uzsh, let me know if you have any questions about anything Iā€™ve talked about today. Iā€™m obsessed with helping us all become badass CEO millionaires together, so I wanna make sure that youā€™re clear on all the vibe-y moves you need to be making in your biz.

Will I see you at the Masterclass??? I hope soā€¦cause Iā€™m saving your ass a seat.

Love you. Mean it.

I keep getting asked: ā€œhey, E: what email provider are you using for your snappy new emails?ā€

So I wanted to share the deets in case you wanna use them too.

The platform is called Beehiiv and it was created by the team behind the insanely popular email Morning Brew. Itā€™s designed for those of us who are all in on growing our lists, looking at deep, juicy analytics reports and making it dead easy for ppl to share.

This isnā€™t sponsored at all, buuuut I do have an affiliate link. So if you wanna sign up and try it yourself, you can do that HERE.

**If you wanna do me a solid and spread the word about my Icon Status email, you can phone a friend, er, forward this to a friend and have them sign up HERE.