CEO Millionaire Todo lists...

And how you can create your own

Todayā€™s email is all about: dreaming way the hell bigger, practicing seeing yourself as the badass you fucking are, and taking action. Yes, there will be homeworkā€¦and no, you cannot skip it. šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


šŸ§ WHATā€™S A CEO MILLIONAIRE TODO LIST?: Iā€™m gonna introduce you to the concept of a CEO Millionaire todo list cause trust me: you need one

šŸ‘€ MY EXACT CEO MILLIONAIRE TODO LIST FOR 2024: Hereā€™s my own secret list, taken directly from my CEO Millionaire journal, for your eyes only. Well you and everyone else on this email list.

šŸ’…šŸ» TODOS AND TIPS FOR STEPPING INTO YOUR OWN CEO MILLIONAIRE ERA: This is the homework part of todayā€™s programming.

Reading time: approx 7 minutes


Cause I think this is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and for your biz RNā€¦and I know youā€™re gonna think creating one is hella fun.

Ok, so you know what a regular todo list is, you know what a CEO is, and you know what millions of dollars are. But today Iā€™m gonna put all that shit together for you, like a dope cocktail recipe, in a way thatā€™s gonna help you blow your own damn mind.


āž”ļø Itā€™s a big, kinda scary, ā€œOMG, IF THIS SHIT ACTUALLY ALL HAPPENS I WILL DIEā€ kinda list that includes all of the things you would do if were the most CEO millionaire, badass, zero fucks given version of yourself. That version of yourself thatā€™s dreaming ridiculously big cause it doesnā€™t even occur to you that all this stuff is out of reachā€¦or isnā€™t ā€œgonna happen.ā€

āž”ļø Ok, so hereā€™s what I put on my own list: ideas, goals and ā€œwouldnā€™t it be fun ifā€¦ā€ types of things that represent this no fucking around higher level version of me. I donā€™t include things that are already happeningā€¦or not really much of a stretch.

So for example, ā€œWriting a weekly email with a 70%+ open rateā€ could have been something I put on my list LAST YEAR. But since Iā€™m already doing it [sidenote: thank you for always opening these emails so damn hard šŸŒ¹], I wouldnā€™t include it now.

The key is you want to be coming up with shit from the place of: letā€™s pretend Iā€™m a mediocre white dude and the world is my oysterā€¦whatever I want I can have. And it doesnā€™t even occur to you that not getting this thing is even a possibility.
**Iā€™m gonna give you an example of my exact CEO Millionaire list below, so just hold your horses for a sec.

āž”ļø I mix it up and include things for both my business and my personal life. Because I just believe wholeheartedly that all this shit is so interconnected.

āž”ļø I like to think about my CEO Millionaire list in year long chunks. And yep, even though itā€™s almost March, you can do that too. I find itā€™s easier to create a list like this when you have some sort of guard rail in place like that. But if a year feels too long, do a 3 month chunk and make one for Q2 only.


All of this was taken straight from the pages of my CEO Journalā€¦more on that later. ā¬‡ļø

šŸ’„ INCORPORATE FASHION, DESIGN AND STYLE INTO MY BIZ IN A MORE MEANINGFUL WAY: While my #1 love, obsession, and if I can brag for a sec S-K-I-L-L, is still helping other biz owners blow up, come up with insanely unique ideas, and market & brand themselves like a G, I do miss having design and style front and center too. When I was an interior designer this obvs wasnā€™t an issue. And so Iā€™m working on an idea that would combine biz and style in a way that I think would be hella fun and scratch both of those itches for me. My idea for my glasses chain line also speaks to this. And in the meantime, Iā€™m adding little things that speak to this like my daily OOTDā€™s on Instagram stories.

āž”ļø Action step: Put time in my calendar each month to work on my glasses chain product line.

āž”ļø Action step: Reach out to some former clients to pitch my style/biz idea and do some market research.

šŸ’„ GET MY MASTERS DEGREE IN BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS: Iā€™ve always been full on obsessed with buyer psychology and how we can use marketing, branding, advertising and social media to better understand our behavior when it comes to buying and brand loyalty. This is, admittedly, a Kim Kardashian goes to law school kinda idea for me. I absolutely donā€™t need to do it to continue growing my bizā€¦but also itā€™s an idea that seems kinda fun and baller.

āž”ļø Action step: Research some masters or continuing ed programs in behavioral economics.

šŸ’„ SHOWCASE MY WRITING WAY MORE: Since I was a little girl, Iā€™ve always loved, loved, loved to write.

In fourth grade my teacher asked my mom to come into school for a special meeting. And I was convinced it was because I was in MAJOR trouble for this ā€œsoap operaā€ I had written with my best friend Jody Levine called Love in the Post Office. Two people meet and fall in love in line at the post office and then have sex in the parking lot. šŸ¤£šŸ‘©ā€ā¤ļøā€šŸ‘Ø šŸ«£

For some background context, I had started watching General Hospital with my mom every day [when Luke & Laura were getting married] so by fourth grade I had kinda seen it all.

As it turned out, my teacher DID wanna talk about my soap operaā€¦but it was because she wanted to share with my mom that she hadnā€™t seen this level of writing talent in any of her students before. And she wanted my mom to know so that she could encourage me with it.

Back when I was an interior designer I wrote for magazines and HGTV regularly [plus I had a design blog], and Iā€™ve missed that.

Some things on my hitlist now: start writing articles again, launch my coffee table biz book, and maybe launch a personal substack where I can talk about all the non-biz things I love: shopping, TV, pop culture etc].

āž”ļø Action step: Start talking on social media about how Iā€™d love to write for publications again [most of my old contacts are either not around anymore or still in the world of interior designā€”and I donā€™t wanna write design articles]. **I actually have done this already. And Iā€™m going to work with a friend/former editor who launched her own online mag to write a piece related to mine and Gregā€™s choice to be child free.

My glasses chains made from vintage jewelry

šŸ’„ GO TO JEWELRY SCHOOL: This is related to my desire to launch my product line of glasses chains [which I have been rocking for like 15 years nowā€¦way before they were back on anyoneā€™s radar]. One of the things I want to do with the product line is have launches or drops every so often of one-of-a-kind pieces that I create from vintage jewelry that I source from my flea market/vintage shopping trips all over the world.

āž”ļø Action step: Ok, this is kinda meta, but I wanna take an action step by asking you today: do you know of a class or program [either online or in NYā€¦or even a month long type of thing in Europe] where I can learn a bunch of diff jewelry techniques. Iā€™m interested in the metal stuff BUT primarily for the sort of repurposing I would be doing I need to learn about beading techniques. I also would really love to figure out a way to make my own gold charms [which actually might just be a sourcing thing].

ALSO: any fave vintage jewelry sources? Or fave flea markets where youā€™ve seen killer vintage jewelry?


šŸ’„ Optimize and Upgrade our Airbnb in Los Angeles [and maybe do some type of Airbnb/Real Estate/Investing mastermind].

šŸ’„ Start treating my health like itā€™s a biz idea: When I come up with a new biz idea/angle, I go ALL THE HELL IN. I wanna do this with my health, eating, exercise, etc.

šŸ’„ Launch my Brand Pop podcast and have it hit the top podcast chart in biz or marketing.

šŸ’„ Buy another piece of real estate: My goal is to make as much money per month with RE investments as we currently are with our biz. But I honestly the key is just getting the NEXT property rather than holding out for the perf big, gamechanging investment.

šŸ’„ Find an investment partner: Yep, this is related to the real estate goal above. I would love to find an investment partner whoā€™s excited to work with Greg and I on multiple projects to purchase additional Airbnbs, use my interior design expertise, and both of our marketing and operational skills to build a little Airbnb empire.

šŸ’„ Add an in-person element to our biz: We had a blast hosting our retreat for our Icon Agency clients here in Mexico City. And now that we have our [One] Membership weā€™re thinking seriously about how we can add a regular, in-person option to the biz. Some ideas that feel fun: A get shit done co-working type retreat, hosting dinners [where I can flex my style/hosting chops] for creative biz owners, leading trips back to CDMX after we move to NY where I can take people on bougie immersion weekends [facials, botox, spa services, eyebrows, teeth whitening, etcā€”shit is just so much cheaper here]ā€”kind of a weird one but I might be doing it myself anyway, so why not turn it into a fun trip.

šŸ’„ Go on 5 killer, amazing first class trips: Some places on my list: Berlin, South of France, Milan, Japan, Montreal, London [Iā€™ve been a couple times before but Iā€™m dying to go back]. Annnnnd, while weā€™re in Europe, figure out where weā€™d like to buy another Airbnb property.

šŸ’„ Hire an organizer to do our entire house: Every cabinet, every drawer, every closet is gorgeously organized.

Ok, so hopefully you get the vibe of this thing by now?


Oh, Iā€™m sorry: you thought this was an opp to just spy on my CEO Millionaire list and then get back to watching the 50 part ā€œWho TF Did I marryā€ series from Reesa Teesa on TikTok that everyone is talking about? Uhm, no it is notā€¦itā€™s time to create your own list.

Hereā€™s your homework assignment for today:

1ļøāƒ£ If you REALLY wanna take this exercise seriously, go get yourself a CEO Journal. [This step is optionalā€¦and honestly, I donā€™t want you missing out on any momentum you might be feeling right now, so maybe order yourself one so that you can use it later but make your list now].

2ļøāƒ£ Open up a google docā€¦or a notebook and set a timer for 20 mins

3ļøāƒ£ If staring at a blank page makes you wanna throw up, you can start off by writing out any of your big ass goals for the year [but truth time: I donā€™t do this cause I just like to let my brain go off on itā€™s own tangents].

4ļøāƒ£ Remind yourself that youā€™re coming from the place of: I have no limitations of time and resources [cause youā€™re a badass CEO who has access to everything you need] and you have no money limitations [cause youā€™ve got millies to spend] and youā€™re thinking BIG [cause, duh, thatā€™s what this verion of you does].

5ļøāƒ£ I like to use a bullet list format but you can do you. Just write out ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that gets you excited when you think about doing it as this higher level version of yourself in your biz and in your life. Even if youā€™re not 100% sure itā€™s something you def wanna do, include it anyway. Cause you always can edit it later [and I think you should pay attention to the fact that the idea popped into your head in the first place].

6ļøāƒ£ From here I usually like to let everything marinate for a day or so [to pay attention to any other ideas that pop up OR anything on the list that Iā€™m thinking more deeply about]. Then I like to go back and add possible action steps for each item and schedule anything I need to in my calendar.

**NOTE: I donā€™t like to do this during the original brainstorming sesh, because I feel like it takes me out of that dreamy/thinking big state of mind.

As per uzsh, just slam your finger down on that ā€œreplyā€ button if you wanna chat about anything Iā€™ve shared about today [yep, itā€™s actually me here!].

Ok, my latest TV binge that I looooooved with every fiber of my being is One Day on Netflix. Apparently this is a book and a movie already [in case you needed confirmation that this is worth your attention] but I didnā€™t read/see either of them before watching the Netflix series. Itā€™s about the relationship that develops over the years between two people who meet on the last night of college. And it stars Leo Woodall [who you will recognize as Jack from White Lotus season 2ā€”and I swear I feel like heā€™s the new Jacob Elordi] and Ambika Mod [an actress who I donā€™t remember seeing before but is incredible in this]. You will laugh, you will swoon and you will DEF cry too. I loved it so much, I kinda wanna watch it again.

See you next week.

Love you, mean it.

Hereā€™s the link to apply for our new membership [One] ā€”a community of the coolest, smartest, industry disrupting entrepreneurs that are all working to become a ā€œcategory of oneā€ in their businesses [check out the cutie magazine here that has ALL the details of what this totally unique membership is all aboutā€”think Masterclass meets Soho House]. In March our theme is ā€œzero fucksā€ and weā€™re applying it to tangible things in your biz that we all should be paying attention to. For example: creating a weekly email like this one from a place of giving zero fucks and doing it all in your own unique, upleveled way. Weā€™re dropping our schedule today for our existing members, but we def still have room for you too. Itā€™s only $197/mo.