I opened a store! đź‘›

Wanna look inside? đź‘€

True confessions: this is not e-x-a-c-t-l-y the kinda store I had in mind all those times I longingly searched “aesthetic retail spaces” on Pinterest. But I wanna tell you about it anyway [cause as per uzsh, you’re welcome to copy me if you wanna] â¬‡ď¸Ź


➡️ THE ERICA STORE: what is, where is it, and can you buy my custom glasses chains yet?

➡️ FREE CATEGORY OF ONE MASTERCLASS: The masterclass that almost broke the internet the first time I ran it is back…and you do NOT wanna miss it.

Reading time: approx 5 minutes
Black Friday Christmas GIF by Target


But I do think it’s kind of a genius marketing idea that solved a big problem for me in my business….

While I will forever be a gigantic cheerleader for the “sell all the time, every day” idea, it’s also obvious that people are getting BORED.

This online biz space is still in its infancy, but for those of us who have been around for a hot minute, there are some m-a-j-o-r shifts that are happening right now online that can’t be ignored. It ain’t 2020 anymore.

And one of the things I’ve noticed [and totes feel myself!] is that people just want you to be straight the fuck up with them. Like, if you’re selling…just sell. No need to beat around the bush.

This is how the idea of the “Erica Store” popped into my head.


I jumped onto the Broadcast Channel trend on Insta awhile back. In case you’re not familiar, it’s basically a space on Instagram that allows you to put out one way communication to ppl in your community who choose to join. And every time you update it, your broadcast channel content will show up in their DM inbox.

You can read more about Broadcast Channels HERE.

When I started my Broadcast Channel it was called “Erica Yelling at You”

The idea was: I was gonna go in there every day and give you some mindset related/biz focused advice to help you better wrangle your dick brain.

And sure…it was fun for awhile.

But honestly, I got bored fairly quickly and it kinda seemed like all 400+ people in there did too.

There wasn’t a ton of strategy behind it beyond “connect with my community.” And so it started to feel like just another pressure-filled todo on my daily content todo list.

So instead I’ve turned it into the Erica Store.

It’s a spot where I can basically just every once in awhile update you on all the things I’m selling in my “store”—i.e. all the ways you can currently work with me RN.


➡️ There’s no pretenses. Either you’re in there because you may wanna work with me, you love keeping track of what my offers are and what I’m up to, or you’re another coach or service provider who wants to spy on me [which is TOTALLY fine too, by the way—all are welcome]. We’re all clear: this a space where I’m including links and info on ways you can pay me, hire me, or go deeper into my world.

➡️ It’s a super easy way to gather and promote all of my offers in one spot. I mean, suuuuuure: you can always go to my website. But, uhm….my website is so out of date it’s embarrassing. You’re already hanging out and spending time on Instagram, so I may as well make it easy AF for you to see what I’m up to without leaving the platform.

➡️ I can establish this as a resource for you and my community. What I mean by this is: now that you know this is there, and now that I know this is a spot I can use to update info/links on my offers, you can think of this as an available resource later on. So even if you don’t have a need for any of my offers now, maybe in 3 months you might be like: I wonder if Erica is ever gonna do a mastermind again [which I have been thinking about SO much recently, by the way. I miss my masterminds! If this would be interesting to you, DM me cause I wanna see if this makes sense to add to our roster for the Fall]—you know you can always pop into the Erica Store to see if I’m masterminding it up again.

➡️ It gives you another easy way into my world. I can’t tell you how often I get asked questions like: “Well, should I focus on highlights or my website? Should I do an offer magazine or a sales page? Should I focus on emails or social media more?” Uhm, this is kinda like saying: “Should I go to the doctor or should I exercise? Should I eat well or should I always take the medication I’m supposed to?” You kinda have to do it all in whatever combo/setup works best for you.

But it’s MY JOB to make it as easy as possible for you when you want to figure out ways into my world or how we might work together. And this feels like a super easy/fun thing to add to the list.

So yeah…maybe you wanna open up your own “store?”

As per uzsh, you have full permission to copy me. đź’‹


So many of the things I’ve intentionally been sharing with you in my emails—learning how to create the vibes of your biz, building an unshakable personal brand, all the things I do to stay innovative in my own biz—they all pave the way for helping you to embrace what I think is THE most important and impactful concept I’ve ever taught: how to become a true “Category of One” in your business.

If I could offer you up one piece of unsolicited advice as your self-appointed biz coach who wants you to be successful AF and make millions of dollars: mastering this “category of one” thing is truly the thing that I think you need to go all the hell in on.

Cause I pinkie swear: when you do, this magical thing happens—where you reach a status in your biz, in your life, with your online social media presence—where almost nothing else matters.

It’s your get out of jail free card.

It’s your ultimate insurance policy.

And best of all: it’s the key to making the most money and having as much fucking fun as you POSSIBLY can in your biz every single day from now till the end of time.

In this FREE masterclass we’re going to cover:

➡️ Exactly what it looks like when you reach that “cat of one” status I’ll take you inside my own business as well as give you lots of examples of other businesses and creators that are doing this.

➡️ All of your “category of one todos” And yes, while there are elements of reaching this status what will be different for everyone depending on your biz, audience, industry, etc, there are some specific things that we all can focus on…and I want all of em on your radar too.

➡️ The importance of joining the “Zero Fucks Club” and how getting your application approved is one of the keys to truly reaching your COO [category of one] status .

💡 “How to Become A Category of One in 2024” Masterclass is going down on Wednesday, August 21st @ 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT and 1pm ET.

You can grab your spot HERE . YEP, IT’S TOTALLY FREEEEEEE.

You can also DM me the code “CATEGORY” on Instagram if you’re on your phone and that’s easier for you.

And yep, of course there will be a replay, buuuuut it’s way more fun if you show up live and hang with me.


➡️ My highest tier package, my 3-month 1:1 Co-CEO offer, allows you the most 1:1 access to me. This is perfect for you if you’re over the group program thang, can’t stomach another mastermind, and truly want custom, co-CEO level support from a biz mentor like me who’s already: made millions in her own biz, is innovative AF, will dream SO big for you you’ll wanna throw up [but in a good way] and is looking for specific, strategic, actionable feedback. **I have very few spots available for this package, so if you want more scoop, just hit reply [or DM me on Instagram] and we can see if this is a good fit for you.

➡️ My 1:1 90 minute Innovation Sessions are changing the game for biz owners like you. This is me-n-you, together on zoom for an hour and half, dreaming bigger about your biz than you’ve ever dreamed before. Our whole focus will be coming up with “category of one” next level ideas for you, action steps that you can implement right away, and eliminating all those dick brain thoughts that are keeping you stuck. We’re now even offering a 2-month payment plan! Oh! And you also get 2 months free in the [One] Membership when you sign up, making this an incredible, no brainer deal.

➡️ We’ve opened up our totally unique [One] membership again. This is a membership built around the idea of learning how to become a more creative and innovative thinker, business owner and human being so that our “category of one” status is never in question. We have different themes we focus on every month, unique challenges, a cool ass community and lots of juicy masterclasses and workshops for you to dive into on day 1. PLUS, you get access to me as your coach to brainstorm with and ask questions when you come to our events live. Learn more HERE.

As per uzsh, just slam your finger down on that “reply” button if you wanna chat about anything I’ve shared about today [yep, it’s actually me here!].

Love you, mean it.

