The Single Thing That's Made Me The Most Money in my Biz

And same for all my most successful clients

1️⃣ It legit feels like I’ve cracked the code with this business flex 1️⃣
And I simply can’t shut TF about it, because I’ve just seen it work time and time again. If you truly go all in on figuring out how to master becoming a “category of one” in your business, it’s almost impossible NOT to succeed.


🗣️ HOW AND WHY TO CREATE YOUR OWN “CATEGORY OF ONE” STATUS cause my guess is you’re already on your way and you just need a little kick in the ass to keep going.
🤑 INFO ON MY FREE “HOW TO BECOME A CATEGORY OF ONE ” MASTERCLASS Because it’s going down next Weds on August 21st, it’s free and you’d be a crazy person to miss it.

Reading time: approx 5 minutes


Not that you asked, but here’s some of my qualifications as a business coach, marketing and branding expert, and innovation obsessed entrepreneur:

In my own online biz over the last 6+ years, I’ve legit broken every rule, ignored every other guru’s biz building framework, constantly shared polarizing opinions & hot takes, pioneered my own way of showing up on social media and focused almost all of my own personal & biz building branding efforts on doing things differently than almost everyone else in my industry.

These are all the things that have truly helped me step into my own “category of one” status.

And that’s why I think I’m uniquely qualified to tell you that, based on my own experience and the experience of the hundreds of other biz owners I’ve worked with over the years, embracing this “category of one” concept and mastering it is actually the ONLY business flex you need.

Cause, for real, for real: I don’t think this shit is optional anymore.

➡️ COMPETITION IS FOR LOSERS: I shared this TikTok that truly outlines the magic of this concept in detail. The basic premise is, when you compete you lose.🤷🏻‍♀️

Honestly, 99.999% of businesses in the online space are selling, showing up and creating content in the same exact way. For the exact same audiences.


But doing shit in the EXACT SAME WAY that everyone else is makes absolutely no sense. And yet this is what you see, again and again, every single day as you scroll through [insert whatever the hell social media platform you want].

The same exact types of offers…with the same exact types of results. The same types of “trendy” social media posts. The same exact “hot takes” that aren’t really hot takes at all.

It’s boring AF. And we’re allllll getting seriously sick of it—especially all the clients and customers who we’re hoping will buy this stuff.

This copycat approach ha become such the norm in so many industries, you might accidentally be doing this right now in your own business and not even realize it.😳

➡️ NO ONE CAN “COPY YOU” WHEN YOU’RE IN A CATEGORY OF ONE: I’m constantly amazed by how much time, effort and energy so many of the online creators I follow, my industry colleagues and even my FRIENDS spend on worrying about people copying them.

And meanwhile, I go on social media all the time and tell people to FEEL FREE to copy me.

Take my biz ideas and spin them into your own offers.

Take a social media post I did and use it as inspo yourself.

Take this new idea of mine of an ultra, value packed email for your community and figure out a way to create one.

Why don’t I care even a lick about other people “copying me”?

Cause no offense, but here’s the truth: I’m so obsessed with innovation…so committed to being my own category of one…and so GOOD AT IT, I’m always gonna be 10 steps ahead of everyone else.

Back when I was an interior designer, I used to have a lot of other designers in my DM’s all huffed up about how I would constantly give away sources, insider info, and tips for ppl in my community to use. But here’s the thing [and I still believe this to be true]: I could tell someone exactly where I bought and sourced every single solitary thing in my house, and they STILL wouldn’t be able to make their house look as nice as mine does.


Does this make me sound like a dick? Kinda. But also I don’t care.

This is one of my fave quotes of all time: I don’t have time to babysit my old ideas.

My ideas are so good, so frequent, so dependable, and so innovative, I don’t need to worry about getting copied…cause btchz can’t keep up.

This approach has been game changing for me.

And I want you to realize that this is available for you too!

➡️ THIS IS, HANDS DOWN, THE QUICKEST WAY TO BECOME REALLY SUCCESSFUL: This is another hill I’m willing to die on.⚰️

You can’t truly become a “category of one” in your industry without showing up every day and creating a business that is the most “you” it possibly can be.

That’s what’s required.

And that can feel scary and overwhelming at first…believe me I get it.

But I swear, when you stop being afraid to share your opinions, show your community who you really are, only do things in your biz that feel really fun and exciting for you, develop your unique voice on social media, and stop being afraid of being “too much,” you end up creating a biz that’s easy AF to show up in every day, easy AF to sell shit for, easy AF to connect with your most ideal clients and customers and easy AF to create content for.

Without exception, the most successful biz owners I’ve worked with over the years—the ones making millions of dollars, the ones with the most ride-or-die communities, the ones who work with celebs, the ones who show up in magazines— have all of this on lock.⬆️

And that’s what I want for you too.

Which is why I’m offering you a very special invite to my next masterclass next Wednesday, August 21st.


And yep: it’s totally free


So many of the things I’ve intentionally been sharing with you in my emails—learning how to create the vibes of your biz, building an unshakable personal brand, all the things I do to stay innovative in my own biz—they all pave the way for helping you to embrace what I think is the most important and impactful concept I’ve ever taught: how to become a true “Category of One” in your business.

If I could offer you up one piece of unsolicited advice as your self-appointed biz coach: mastering this in truly, madly, deeply the thing that I think you need to go all the hell in on.

Cause when you do, you reach a status in your biz, in your life, with your online social media presence where almost nothing else matters.

It’s your get out of jail free card.

It’s your ultimate insurance policy.

And best of all: it’s the key to making the most money and having as much fucking fun as you POSSIBLY can in your biz every day.

In this FREE masterclass we’re going to cover:

➡️ Exactly what it looks like when you reach that “cat of one” status I’ll take you inside my own business as well as give you lots of examples of other businesses and creators that are doing this.

➡️ All of your “category of one todos” And yes, while there are elements of reaching this status what will be different for everyone depending on your biz, audience, industry, etc, there are some specific things that we all can focus on…and I want all of em on your radar too.

➡️ The importance of joining the “Zero Fucks Club” and how getting your application approved is one of the keys to truly reaching your COO [category of one] status .

💡 “How to Become A Category of One” Masterclass is going down on Wednesday, August 21st @ 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT and 1pm ET.

You can grab your spot HERE

[and yes, if you can’t attend live, sign up anyway! I will send out a replay].

**And PRO TIP: even if you’ve attended this class in the past, I would STILL sign up! I’ve updated my presentation with some new big ideas, creators, examples and so much more. I know this is gonna be a big changer for you and your biz and bestie to bestie: I don’t want you missing out.