Your custom coaching package?

I've never offered anything like this before 🧐

Remember that show on MTV--from back in the day when we would actually watch the premieres of music videos🤣--it was called "Unplugged." 

In case you're not as old as I am, here's a refresher: instead of the flashiness of a typical, overly produced music video, musicians would perform their hits acoustic style to a small audience...stripping away all the fancy shit and just sharing the raw, simple, and yet totally powerful performances.

I had this ah-ha moment recently that this was completely inspired by Unplugged...and I decided that this is what I want to do with my e-n-t-i-r-e biz. 

And I'm starting with my 1:1 biz coaching packages. 

Over the past few years these have always been a minimum of 3 months and were priced in the 5-figure range. But now that I'm going unplugged, all "packages" are going away. 

What does it look like now? Uhm: that's completely up to you.

My rate is $500/hr.

If you wanna work on building your empire together, the ball's in your court to tell me exactly how much support you need and exactly when you need it. 

  • Getting ready to launch something new and want weekly meetings for the next 2 months to help you plan it all out?

  • Want to set up quarterly meetings for the next year to keep you accountable and on track as you go all in on leveling up?

  • Want to schedule one quickie meeting to talk over a "crazy" idea you have?

  • Want to zoom it up every day for a week on a monthly basis to have me be your CMO on call and plan next level marketing and social media for your biz for the following month? 

You pick. No long term commitments and no "one size fits all" packages.

Coaching & ass kicking is the thing I do level, innovative ideas are the currency I trade in...and this new set up just feels light, easy and hella fun to me.

No sales page, no big launch, and no pre-fab email sequence.


If you're this far down in my email and feeling like: "ok, now THIS feels like a good fit for me," cool. Hit reply, tell me what you're thinking, we'll come up with a plan, I'll send you an invoice, and then boom: you'll schedule some time on my cal. 

Is it possible that shit could actually be this easy? Yep.


P.S. I haven't really ever opened my cal like this before [at this price point] and I'm not exactly sure what's gonna happen. No false urgency here, just me keepin' it real and telling you that because of my current commitment to our [One] Membership, I only have limited time for these sessions. So if you're sure you wanna do this with me, reach out before my cal fills up.