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- ⏳ How to plan a reset week in your biz
⏳ How to plan a reset week in your biz
cause you *actually* may need one

If you’re feeling: stuck, frustrated, stalled, frozen or YOU JUST CANNOT SEEM TO GET A MOTHERFUCKING THING DONE in your biz and you don’t know why…I got you. Lemme introduce you to the concept of a “Reset Week.”

➡️ WHAT’S A RESET WEEK: I’m gonna teach you about what this thing is and how to plan your own for you-n-your biz.
➡️ AN EXAMPLE OF MY RESET WEEK: All the scoop on exactly how I planned my Reset Week with my biz bestie Jes [we’ve been doing it all week and just finished today!].
🤔 WHAT TO DO IF YOU NEED MORE HELP BEYOND YOUR RESET WEEK: You may just need an innovation sesh if you’re REALLY stuck.

Over the last few years I’ve used Reset Weeks in my biz to: get my mojo back, recommit to routines, create momentum, work through a challenge and prove to myself that I am, in fact, really fucking good at my job
So I have this really shitty habit…and I’ve been like this my entire life. If I make an appointment with you or promise you that I’m going to do something by a certain day or a certain time, there is literally NO CHANCE IN HELL I would ever even consider missing the agreed upon commitment.
In 10+ years as a biz owner, I have never missed a single deadline…I have never not shown up for a single appointment.
That is: when the appointment or commitment involves someone else.
On the flipside, if I put something on my own calendar…or set my own deadline…or make a commitment that only involves me, the chances of me honoring this commitment are Bret Easton Ellis levels of Less Than Zero.
It’s a problem.
And so I designed my biz Reset Weeks to address this issue ⬆️ head on.
You commit to your own Reset Week.
Either the night before [or the morning of] during your Reset Week you decide exactly what you’re going to do that day in your business.
You then do those things you’ve said you’re going to do NO MATTER FUCKING WHAT. No excuses, no outs, no “eh, I just don’t feel like it.”
You do this every day for 5 days.
It really is just that easy.
I swear to you, just by following these steps, you’re going to make it to the end of the week and feel: unstoppable, unshakable and and like a trustworthy, ridiculously capable badass.
You’re gonna feel ready to take on the world.
You’re gonna feel like you just hit the “reset” button on your entire biz and life.
Now you absolutely don’t NEED to do a Reset Week with anyone else…the first time I did it, I did it alone.
However, if you can swing it, I do highly recommend you do a Reset Week with a biz bestie. For years now, I’ve been doing Reset Weeks with my Biz Bestie, Jes Fields.
Jes and I met on Instagram years ago when I basically bribed her to be my friend after I first discovered my love of Human Design. Jes, aside from being an incredibly, generous biz bestie & friend, is also a Human Design expert, educator and all around cool ass chick.
And Jes is also my ride or die Reset Week partner-in-crime [see the pic above Jes posted in her stories about our most Reset Week].
The two of us did a Reset Week in each our businesses this past week and the results were mind blowing for us both.
Here’s what it looked like:
➡️ We reached out to each other via Voxer on Sunday to check-in and share our overall intentions for Reset Week. For me, I was committing to doing ONLY ONE THING each day that was going to significantly move the needle in our biz in the realm of sales.
➡️ Just for some context: it was just a normal week for me in my biz [i.e. I wasn’t launching anything or going through a big pivot]. However Jes is in the middle of a launch for her in in-freaking-credible year long program, Advanced Reader Training [or ART], which is basically like the equivalent of getting your masters degree in Human Design for anyone who wants to be a Human Design Reader.
➡️ Every morning during the week, Jes and I would check in with each other via Voxer to let the other one know what we would be committing to doing that day.
➡️ Every evening we would check in, report back on anything that happened during the day and confirm we did what we said we were going to do.
As of today, we both feel UN-FUCKING-STOPPABLE
I specifically wanted to focus on important, needle moving activities that were going to directly impact sales in our business. So here’s what I got done [and the results]⬇️:
In last week’s email all about next level freebies, I introduced a new offer we’re selling called my Innovation Sessions [more on these below]. On Monday I wrote a sales email specifically about this Innovation sesh offer, and sent it.
✅ Task completed
It’s been a hot sec since we updated the sales magazine for our monthly membership [One]. So I spent Tuesday: redesigning it, re-writing it, mapping out our monthly themes for the rest of they year and proof-reading it.
✅ Task completed
At the Icon Agency we work with a repurposing specialist who did a first batch of content for us that needed to be edited. I spent Weds reworking and writing captions for five full Instagram carousel posts [NOTE: all of these repurposed posts are either about: getting people on our email list, getting people into our [One] Membership or getting people to watch my free “How to Become a Category of [One]” Masterclass. All of these things are directly related to sales.
✅ Task completed
I worked on the repurposed content again but this time I reworked and rewrote captions for 10 Instagram Reel posts.
✅ Task completed
OK, this is kinda meta but today I worked on this very email right here, where, in addition to teaching you all about Reset Weeks, I’m also letting you know that since we sold out the first 10 Innovation Session spots, I’m now opening more up for June.
✅ Task completed
Keep in mind: all of these tasks completed were IN ADDITION TO my normal day-to-day responsibilities, meetings, client commitments, etc.
5 needle moving tasks committed to…5 completed.
How many needle moving tasks did I complete last week? Or the week before? Or the week before that? ZERO.
Let’s talk results
⭐️ 11 Innovation Sessions have been booked so far
⭐️ I had 3 sales calls last week [1 had been booked previously to talk about my 1:1 package and 2 were for my fractional CMO services].
⭐️ We got in 8 new applications for our [One] Membership
⭐️ 62 new email subscribers [hiiiiiiiii!].
⭐️ In addition to my daily commitment Reset week tasks, I also felt compelled to: post on Instagram a couple of times, post on TikTok once and share more stories [**my social media presence is still not back to where I want it to be, but I’m working on it!].
⭐️ We made lots of progress with our Mexico City to Hudson, NY international move.
⭐️ I ate better, I went on a few walks, and I’m back into my full on skincare routine.
Now it’s your turn
1️⃣ Choose the theme of your week and the specific needle moving tasks you want to focus on. Some ideas: sales, “catch up” [i.e. doing a bunch of things you’ve been meaning to do but keep putting off, a social media reset, getting ready for filing your taxes.
2️⃣ Ask a biz bestie to join you [if you can’t think of anyone, maybe put a call out on your Instagram stories to see if a few of your community members want to do it with you. If so, you can make a DM group in Instagram!].
3️⃣ Assign a specific, needle moving moving task to yourself for each day of the week. Look at your calendar and make sure you have the bandwidth to do it.
4️⃣ Commit to doing these things, NO MATTER FUCKING WHAT, for just one week. 5 damn days. Dude, I don’t care what the hell is going on in your life…you can commit to five damn days.
5️⃣ Keep your commitments and sit back as the magic and momentum starts to show up again in your biz. And you prove to yourself that you ARE someone who can be trusted. You are someone who keeps their word and does wtf they say they’re going to do.
Today is Friday…you have this weekend. Plan your own damn Reset Week for next week. I dare you.
I’ve realized recently the thing I’m truly gifted at [and love THE most] is brainstorming and innovating with other biz owners to help them come up with next level, completely fucking unique ideas for their biz.
Freebies, offers, launch content, emails…my super power is ideating ideas that set you up to disrupt industries, turn heads and always get people talking.
So I’m evolving my intensives and spinning them into straight up innovation sessions. This means you-n-me, for 90 mins, get to brainstorm, dream up and invent all of the ideas we can to ensure your “category of one status” is on lock.
Here’s how this will work:
💫 You’re gonna fill out a quickie questionnaire to give me some basics about you and your biz before we meet so that we can hit the ground running.
💫 Then you choose a day on my cal and set up your innovation sesh.
💫 Before we meet you write down a list of allllll the things you currently: have questions about in your biz, feel stuck around, have a kernel of an idea about but can’t seem to get to the next step, need a second opinion on, or have a few options for but you CAN’T make a fucking decision about….and we get through as many of them as we can in 90 minutes.
💫 I will share with you ALL of my real deal, unedited thoughts; give you all of my unique next level ideas and help you make some motherfucking decisions so that you can finally start moving forward in the way you know you want to in your biz.
💫 You can record our sesh together and go back and watch it as much as you need to.
💫 My goal is by the end of the zoom chat to get you: as clear as we can on your next moves, excited about all the decisions you’ve made, and ready to tackle and implement some totally unique, next level, “category of one” ideas.
➡️ My 60 minute intensives are currently priced at $997. But I’m so darn excited about helping as many biz owners like you that I can to get innovative AF, I’m doing a super secret, special offer for my email list ONLY and pricing these 90 minute Innovation Sessions at $797.
ANNNNND, best of all, these babies will also come with 2 months free in our [One] Membership. So you’ll have plenty of time to implement, ask me questions and stay inspired with 2 months of free content that will keep you in “category of one” mode.
Our [One] Membership is currently priced at $197 per month, so when you add up $197 × 2 and subtract it from $797, your 1:1 innovation sesh with me nets out at price SO low, I kinda don’t even wanna type it out here in black and white. But fuck it…here you go: $403 dollars.
Trust me when I say there is legit nooooo other opportunity to get me 1:1 brainstorming with you about your specific biz for a lower price point.
I had 10 Innovation Session spots available for May and all of those have sold out so far.
So now I’m booking up spots for June!
One June spot is gone already, but we have 9 more with your name on them [well, only one has your name on them, but yeah: I guess if you wanted to book out innovation sessions with me for the rest of the year, 9 coooould have your name on them.🤣
As per uzsh, just slam your finger down on that “reply” button if you wanna chat about anything I’ve shared about today [yep, it’s actually me here!].
See you next week.
Love you, mean it.
Here’s the link to apply for our new membership [One] —a community of the coolest, smartest, industry disrupting entrepreneurs that are all working to become a “category of one” in their businesses [check out the cutie magazine here that has ALL the details of what this totally unique membership is all about—think Masterclass meets Soho House]. In April our theme is all around how to master content creation in a way that feels good for you and your biz AND makes you lots of money. We dropped our schedule last week for our existing members [and we’re doing a special group project together we’re giving you specific assignments and todos each week so that you can FINALLY, once and for all, get all of your social media foundations on lock]. It’s only $197/mo and we def still have room for you.